
Friday, 14 November 2014

Lest you forget a man is human.


They say we are equal,
That we’re the same and should be treated equally,
But does that really mean equality?
Whose rights are right?
Rather who deserves these rights?
They say woman is equal to man,
But in reality it’s more like the Animal Farm story,
Where in the animal farm every animal is equal
But the pigs are more equal than the others.

My name is Kitur,
I’m roughly 14 years old,
I don’t know how to read and write,
They say every child has the right to education,
But I differ it is more of a GIRLS’ thing,
The drive past me and my herd to take my sister Chepchumba to school,
I wave with a smirk across my face,
They stare as if I’m invisible , my mistake I forgot I’m not actually a girl,
I turn back to the herd hoping I’ll feed them well for the next sale for Chepchumba’s fees.
My parents had to choose,
She’ll be a doctor,
While I.. let’s just say I am not the society’s favorite.
Just which rights are right?

Hey I’m Wekesa,
Just the other day I saw the activists  rushing to save Kwamboka from the illegal FGM practice,
There was a large fuss about it actually,
And now she and many more of her kind are free from the pain,
Today it’s almost a similar story,
I was forced into manhood,
The whole scenario did  not have to be kept secret,
In front of everyone (the activists included)
My naked body was bared and I was forced not to cry,
Forced not to cry because that would be as sign of weakness,
I bit my lip as the pain rocked my now “complete” manhood,
I still don’t understand why to  a man it is right to a woman it is wrong,
Again, just what right is right?

Halo, I’m Juma,
The other day it was all over the news,
A nine year old girl had been molested,
How brutal?
It even brought memories of my teenage life,
When I was a constant victim of my father’s gay passions,
The only difference there was no camera roll on that,
Many tines I tried to report it to the police but I was shut down by a mocking  “be a man”
So many boys suffer from this,
Rape, oh! Pardon my ignorance that was only reserved for girls right?
Just how many have been sodomised?
How many live with scars they just can’t dare tell.
Who actually speaks out for them?

Call me a chauvinist,
Call me lame, noisemaker, trouble seeker,
But for all those males out there suffering,
I dare to ask,
Do you need a vagina on your CV to get a job?
Is the world really fair?
Once a friend told me God is a woman,
But I can not dare question God,
But to you humans I dare ask,
And you better answer me .
Just what right is right?

Reachel Anita.

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