
Monday, 24 November 2014

My white desire.

I will marry Mr. Grey,
His amazing pink skin beckons me,
His way of etiquette amuses me,
Oh! His language ma!
Enchanting with vocabularies like "sweetheart " "darling" "honey"
Ei! Words not found among my tribesmen!

Why are you screaming your lungs out?
That I've brought an abomination to the land,
A curse to the tribe
And shame to my kinsmen!
A coloured man!!!
You claim that,
His ways are strange,
His skin burning to the eye,
He can not speak in our dialect,
He can not fit in our society!
Definitely he does not deserve a princess!
I love him,
And I know he loves Me too,
His beautiful blue eyes tame me,
His respect to women ma,
So different from the village monkeys!
He buys me roses,chocolates and calls me beautiful!
Even without the stinking red ochre smear.
I don't like men from the village,
they're uneducated, untamed, uncouth!
They hit women,
And make love like uncoached wild animals.
I will marry the white man,
He gives me independence,
Love and laughter in doses,
He gives loves in ways the village dodos will never know.
I will marry the white man,
To me he IS THE MAN.

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